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7:37 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Many people, when experiencing failure in open and run a business, there is a tendency to blame the environment, blaming subordinates, blaming rival, blaming everything associated with the failures. We prefer to fill mengkambing others than to self-correct our mistakes and improve what we do, and with hard work trying to bounce back. The failure of a lesson used to see the positive side of failure.
Steve Jobs, when thrown from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) rather than blaming Apple corporate environment, which he co-founded. "Put all the power, the new company set up a more sophisticated" said Steve Jobs. He founded the company Inc. NeXTSTEP. The man who just graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. Jobs only lasted one semester at the College of Oregon. Besides, Steve Jobs bought Pixar from George Lucas in 1986. This animation studio Jobs in hand after producing some of the other software Reyes (Render Everything You Ever Saw), CAPS (with Disney), Marionette and the Ringmaster. With Marionette, enabling animators create models and characters, and can add optical effects and lighting. While Ringmaster, allows to manage the production of computer animation projects. Almost all of Pixar's software Snatch Technical Academy Award (Oscar) in the field of filmmaking. In collaboration with Disney Toy Story successfully launched, which became the best-selling movie in 1995. Followed Bug's Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters Inc.. (2001), and Finding Nemo (2003). Successful films made by Pixar, Steve Jobs is making to persuade Apple to acquire NeXTSTEP worth U.S. $ 400 million and raised as CEO adinterim. After successfully doing business for the new iPod and iTunes consumer electronics to retail, making Apple the Nasdaq shot from U.S. $ 13 to U.S. $ 22, within 10 months until early February 2004, which makes Steve Jobs as CEO with the highest salary in California. Apple shares (6.2%) and Pixar (55%) which has made Steve Jobs has a wealth of U.S. $ 2.5 billion.
Steve Jobs when he was deposed from the CEO, he does not hurt to Apple, he remained loyal to Apple, even later on instead to build Apple's rise from adversity. Steve Jobs put all the power, the new company set up a more sophisticated, not to scapegoat the lingkungannya.atau other words he did the white goat to the environment.
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7:36 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Among the successful entrepreneurs, business opportunities when traveling. Raymond Kroc, the founder and builder of McDonald's Corporation is one of the businessmen who get the opportunity, when he went from his home near Chicago to southern California to see the two biggest clients Multimixer buyers Prince Castle (shaker instrument milk). His client told me that in San Bernardino, there are restaurants that use machines to mix the forty glasses of milk simultaneously. In the case, other restaurants are only able to mencapur five glasses of milk. Then Kroc went to San Benardino to see the restaurant. Arriving at the two gates of the golden arches of glittering restaurants, which lit up the sky at twilight, and saw the queue of people winding like a snake outside the restaurant octagonal. Through the walls of the building made entirely of glass, Kroc saw the male employees who wear paper hats and white uniforms, were busy in a very clean restaurant, serving burgers in a dish, fries and milk shakes to the families of the working class who arrive by car. "Something must have happened here. This must be the most amazing business operation I have ever seen "said Kroc himself. The restaurant is owned by Maurice and Richard McDonald, who offers a menu of nine types of food, including burgers, fries, milk shakes, and pies by removing seats and paper utensils, glass instead of glass or porcelain. This restaurant design services that are reliable, able to serve the order less than one minute. "This is my future. I feel like a modern-day Newton "he said to himself.
Kroc was convinced that the operation of McDonald brothers can succeed at all if expanded. So the next day, he filed a proposal to the McDonald brothers. These brothers objected, because it has sold franchises in Phoenix and Sacramento with low prices and large profits are not. But Kroc was a veteran salesman with thirty years experience, then finally able to convince Kroc McDonald brothers to sell franchises with a low price, which is 950 dollars. In return, the McDonald brothers. will get 1.4% of all sales and 0.5% return. With approval in hand, Kroc began to fulfill his dream of McDonald's restaurants that exploded from coast to coast. He started by building the first chain restaurant partnership with membuah a model in Des Plaines, Illinois, outside Chicago, which uses a low price strategy is the same, menú limited and fast services such as restaurants in San Bernardino. This is the first milestone of success McDonald Corporation, the idea gained when Raymond Kroc traveled.
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7:35 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Eight of the ten world's richest people under the age of 40 years, called the market utilizing the Internet. There are several reasons why the companies they target the Internet market. First of all, the television audience began to migrate to the Internet. Since they moved the advertising media must be followed, with the assumption that any marketer's goal is to reach its target audience effectively and efficiently. Marketers recognize that they must make adjustments to its marketing plan to pursue a continued increase in the number of people who spend time in front of online media, often with leaves and other media. Second, to target the Internet market with ads that can be updated at any time with minimal cost: because the ads on the internet always look new. Third, the Internet market can reach potential buyers in a very large number in the global count. Fourth, the cost of online advertising is sometimes more expensive than television advertising, newspaper, or radio. Media advertising latter becomes more expensive because it is determined by the space will be used, how many days (time for) the ad will be loaded, and on how many television stations and local or national newspaper ad will be posted. Fifth, advertising on the internet can efficiently use the convergence of text, audio, graphics, and animation. Sixth, the Internet itself is growing rapidly. Seventh, you can create an interactive advertising and targeted on specific groups and / or individuals. Research conducted in the fall of 1996 found that three-quarters of users of personal computers (PCs) will leave the television and spend time in front of their computers. The displacement of the amount of television that look very impressive. In addition to this fact is that Internet users are educated people and have very high incomes, so the logical if manjadi concluded that Internet explorer is a target that was envisioned by the marketers.
Beginning in 1998, this characteristic has convinced a large company that produces everything needed for consumers to start shifting advertising budgets from traditional media to Internet advertising. Toyota made a real example of the Internet so powerful. Saatchi and Saatchi, a leading advertising agency, developing Web sites for Toyota ( and place banner ads on a very interesting popular sites, such as Within one year, the site can be done to match the sales of Toyota's sales 800 other sources.
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7:34 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Failure is a label that often we associate with an action that did not work and so applied, the label is making us say that is not capable. This decreases our enthusiasm to become a successful person. By the time we were little, failure has no meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, will not be able to write and not be able to walk. Because to speak, write and walk to the failure of countless. Likewise in the business world can also mimic our failure in childhood and we can learn from the failures. Coca-Cola had failed in the first year sales. Sales conducted by placing the Coca-Cola in the beverage in the pharmacy and 73.96 dollars spent to promote through banner ads and coupons. Failure to make Coca-Cola create awareness of other media, the mass media has more power when compared to other media and promote Coca-Cola with the atmosphere of joy. Matsushita to produce for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has actually proposed to the previous employer but did not receive a response. To create this product, along with four companions Matsushita took four months. After this product so no one was going to buy this product.
In 1993, Compaq which at the time as leader of the PC sales market, put through a price cut to compete with Dell. The result of Dell Computer loses 65 million dollars in the first six months, which caused nearly bankrupt. Dell learned from this failure. He tried to find other ways to sell computers. Finally, Dell made a very fundamental change in business process reengineering called. in business with the introduction of E-Commerce. In 1999, Dell can sell 1.7 million dollars per day on the website E-Commercnya. Dell shares rose 2000 percent in two years. Dell can compete with world class companies such as IBM, Compaq, HP, and Bell-Nec. Even the market share and profits continue to rise and eventually became the largest PC seller in the world.
When I started the business with friends, sayapun repeated failure again. I started with the failure of a Salesman Book, telex Salesman by phone, and car salesmen pengkilap materials. Primagama who only got 2 students in this campaign has done a fairly intense. CV. Wijaya, the company that serves the car care services that eventually die. Similarly, business start computer education center "IMKI", just get AMIKOM 3 students and trusted by only 6 students. I'm with my friends trying to learn from failure, then make corrections and improve trying for succes.
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7:32 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Many strategies are used to excel in competition. When I first Primagama, only get 2 students, so we tried to find strategies to get a lot of students. Primagama strategy, as we call it a unique touch strategy that is inviting high school students by using the Test Trial UPA / IPS Integrated free. This strategy is carried out, because when the college entrance test will use the test country IPA / IPS Integrated. Primagama the guidance of the first test that can hold a test trial IPA / IPS Integrated. Because the test trials IPA / IPS Integrated first time, the participants lot. Before the test trials started, we make promotion to the participants, about one of the benefits Primagama test than any other guidance. From the campaign netted 62 students who follow the guidance Primagama test. The next strategy is sntuhan unique Accepted Insurance Program. Acceptable collateral, if the intention is not accepted in State College, does not pay, only pay the registration fee IDR 10,000, - and that is what is called Accepted Security. The idea of Mr. Purdi this, we do not put up the field with Customer Service in two places. First place in Jalan Kapten Tendean No. 7 directly handled Mr. Purdi, and second place at Road Demangan Kidul No. 92, immediately I handle myself. Customer servise handled by who knows all the ins and outs Primagam, from a practical formula to predict the technical problems that will come out in the PTN. We can not imagine, if participants who joined Primagama enormous. Especially after the entry proved State University lot, which was announced in the Daily People's Sovereignty.
Likewise, when I founded the Center for Computer Education and Management IMKI, unique touch strategy that I do is the One Year Professional Program, which is equipped Computer Education Practical Management Education and Entrepreneurship. When there was no computer education one year old. "If you're 1-month computer course, or 3 months only a little, but if you're 1-year course will be banya" I said to the prospective participants of the course. This strategy proved effective.
When I founded STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta stratetgi did I use a unique touch. The weakness that I see, Higher Education in the education of mental attitude. So begins AMIKOM education in the mental attitude of education first. This mental attitude education in AMIKOM known as Super Excellent Training. The training model incorporates Super Camp from Bobby De Potter, Achievement Motivation Training and Training Spiritual Emotional intelligence or intelligence. To maintain this mental attitude, when college students are required to wear a tie, eventually led to "The College Place tie". While education in the knowledge and skills to do with using the facility above average, so the "Excellence in Information Technology Trend". In addition, concentrations are offered including Advertising Television, E-Commerce and Cartoon Film. Unique touch strategy turns out that, once we know the name or Strategy Differentiation Strategy Positioning.
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7:31 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Most people assume that building the first brand to use large-scale advertising. Facts prove it that companies have built brands melenggenda world for the first time using public relations (public relations). Public relations involves a variety of programs designed to promote and / or maintain the company image or products. Advertising is needed to maintain the brand to not die, but not to build a brand for the first time.
Public Relations Microsoft uses when it launched its new operating system Windows 95. Windows 95 bukanlan actually a completely new product, but it makes Windows 95 is very easy to use as well as Macintosh. Pemunculnnya dated August 24, 1995 was a tumultuous day for Windows 95. The Wall Street Journal estimates that 3000 cover story, 6852 story and over 3,000,000 words devoted to Windows 95 from July 1 until August 24. Microsoft teams around the world to do publicity to attract attention. Windows 95 banner hoisted by 600 feet from the Toronto CN tower. Sprinkle red, yellow and green of the Windows 95 logo on the Empire State Building in New York. Paying The London Times's to distribute free of charge all the daily publications, 1.5 million copies to the public. When Windows 95 is sold at 90 dollars, thousands of people lining up to buy it. At the end of the first week, sales in the United States alone reached 108 million dollars. Microsoft to pay 220 million dollars for the Public Relations. Why does Bill Gates spend so much for Public Relations?. There are two possible reasons. First, worry about the defects found in earlier versions of the operating system, computer users may be reluctant to buy it. Microsoft wants to overcome this reluctance. Second, Apple Computer quickly menutunkan computer prices in hopes of selling more Macintosh computers before Windows 95 is similar to the Macintosh operating system on the market. Microsoft wants to stem the flow of Macintosh sales by selling as many Windows 95 packages in the shortest possible time.
Anita Roddick built The Body Shop is a brand of the world without advertising, but do Public Relations all over the world tirelessly to introduce the product. Wal-Mart as the most spectacular corporate world, only slightly out ads. Similarly, Intel, Dell, Compaq, Gateway, Oracle, Cisco, SAP, Sun Microsystems created the first time in the pages of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, and Fortune, by publicity, not advertising premises. We also started Primagama, IMKI, STMIK AMIKOM, PT Time Excellindo, PT. Vision Surya Mataram, PT Radio MQ FM, PT. GITS, AMIKOM.NET, AMIKOM Traning Center, and by using the Public Relations.
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7:30 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
In addition to opening a business without cash payments in the back, you can also open a business with a payment in advance. Combined with the payments start at the back and the payment in advance is the most ideal. Or office buildings, advertisements, brochures can be obtained by payment in the back, while our customers use the payment in advance. Business of courses, vocational education institutions and even education can be done with tinggipun prepayment strategy.
By the time we open a branch of the Central Computer and Management Education in the street IMKI Abubakar Ali number 20 Kotabaru Yogyakarta, after advertising in the Daily People's Sovereignty which can be paid at the back, finally got 35 students. Then given a public lecture that contains an explanation teantang material will be taught for one year. Starting from the material to Achievement Motivation Training System Analysis. Suddenly, they ask "Where kok Pak computer does not exist?". "Look at what it said in the ad?.", I asked. "Computers equipped Pendikan practical management education and entrepreneurship," they replied. "You are right. In this first month you will get a practical management education and entrepreneurship, and computer lessons to be continued "I answered, saying to myself" but you also have to pay ". After one month they were satisfied, eventually pay. Of these students my money credited to the computer 12 computer. "That's the computer" I said. "Oh yes the computer has no sir" they said. I smiled and said to myself "that actually your money". So we can operate the business with advance payments, ie payments from our customers.
Even when I'm with my friends from Totalwin Institute of Management in cooperation with Warnbrough University, England. open the MBA program (when it was not banned), enough to provide five-star hotels that can be paid at the rear, then the students pay in advance. The first time, prospective students are collected at one-star hotels are given an explanation of the MBA program from Warnbrough University. Including how much it costs, if you had to courses in the UK. If Indonesia can attend Indonesian use the medium. Thesis only in English in the supervision of the Representative Warnbrough University of Australia. Having finished a public lecture, for those who are interested can provide a down payment USD. 1.000.000, -. From the money can be used to rent the room along with other equipment, so that managers do not spend money. After a minimum of 15 students enrolled, the college immediately began. Thus, hotels and other facilities can be met with advance payments from students. From the results of the MBA program can eventually be used to establish MM Program STIE "ABI" Surabaya. Management Master Program Perhaps the best-selling in Indonesia, because it has a student About a 1000 people.
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7:29 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Many entrepreneurs or companies when in a state of recession or in trouble memPHK conducted with employees, even state-owned property that serves pemerintahpun provide jobs as the responsibility for implementa-tion of the Constitution, such as PT. Indonesian Aerospace employees prefer memPHK. But it was not done by the famous clothing company Levi Strauss.
Levi Strauss came from Bavaria. He arrived in New York in 1847 and collaborated with his stepbrother in the business of goods dried. In 1853 Strauss went to San Francisco to build his own business. The opportunity came when one of its customers, Nevada tailor named Jacob Davis, shows an idea of changing his trousers. Result trousers strong and durable, suitable for use when you're a gold miner or a farmer. Davis takes $ 68 to register the design patent. In 1873 Strauss and Davis patented the pants, or "waist-high overalls" was called at that time. Companies increasingly prosperous and when he died, the company has a wealth of Levi Strauss $ 6 million.
The greatest challenge facing the company occurred in 1906, when an earthquake followed by a fire that destroyed the company headquarters and two factories. The actions of Levi Strauss to give credit to customers so they can grosirnya up and back in business. Companies continue to pay his employees and a temporary office and showroom is open to give them something to do, while the new headquarters and a factory was built. At the time of great depression, when the CEO Walter Haas Sr.. Stay hiring employees by having them build a new floor at the company factory on Valencia Street in San Francisco and not dismiss them. He argued that workers who are authorized, the people who share the values and aspirations are similar to companies such as managers and owners, will make the company become the market leader. "You can not make people excited or get their support unless the organization has a soul" Haas said. Then provide equal opportunity for African-Americans to work in the factory plant in the 1950s and 1960s, when they expand their business into the southern states. In line with its business development, community of people who embrace their tradition of growing together. Levi-Strauss is now getting 40 percent of its profits from international business and plant products in more than 50 countries around the world. A quarter of employees working outside the United States. Levi Strauss chose to do the noble effort to keep driving up hiring employees when the company was in trouble. By doing noble Lord probably helped. We hope PT. Indonesian Aerospace to do the same.
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7:28 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
According to Daniel Goleman, the ability to boost the motivation of achievement, commitment, initiative and optimism. Commitments are aligning themselves with the target groups and institutions or the community. People with this ability will be ready to make sacrifices for the fulfillment of the target institutions or communities is more important, encouragement to feel in a larger mission, using the values which are based on conscience in making decisions and implement the choices and actively seek opportunities to meet mission group or community. Rachel Carson has struggled to maintain its commitment, after he discovered in his research that pesticides can damage the environment. Finally, he published a book entitled Silent Spring. Carson realized that his book would give rise to controversy, but he was with his commitment to save the environment remain firm in his stance. In the book called Carson held a serious public debate about the huge losses to be borne by nature a very loved and talked with great confidence about how fragile state of all living creatures, including humans, due to the use of DDT and chemicals other more toxic. Carson opposed by the agricultural industry, a massive campaign to discredit a warning. Nevertheless he kept his commitment to save the environment. Finally, President John F. Kennedy was impressed by the book and re-ordered study of the Federal pesticide policy. In 1963, the advisory body president for scientific affairs supported the establishment of Carson. Now people recognize that the idea of supporting a modern environment with the emergence of Company Social Responsibility, begins with the publication of the book Silent Spring. "A thousand words from him, then the world took a new direction" said one editor of the book. "Once the enormity of the power of purpose in life is supported by the emotional commitment" wrote Cooper and Sawaf the Executive EQ.
What did Rachel Carson is put all the talent and energy with the purpose of life with a strong motivation or emotional commitment. "There is no great work in the world has ever happened without morale boost" said the German philosopher, Hegel. The leaders and executives must realize that the motivation proved to be more important than intellectual or technical skills. However that move the motivation is not the head, but heart. "Truly in the body of Adam's son is a piece of meat. If he was good, then let the whole body, and members of other bodies will make it better. He is the heart "as the word of the Prophet Muhammad. Liver is the leader, should follow the guiding commitment, while the other limbs are the people who must obey their leaders.
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7:27 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Walt Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. He started to love drawing and art set mempekerjaan at 7 years old. He was also very interested in photography. As a teenager he went to school in the afternoon and went to the Academy of Art at night. When World War I broke out, he tried to join the army, but still too young. So he placed in the Red Cross, because of his age and was sent to abroad by riding the ambulance which was decorated with cartoon characters. When finished the war, Walt Elias Disney's venture into Hollywood with the ability to draw and $ 40. He started the business with his brother to make an animated film and quickly became famous in Hollywood. In 1920, Disney moved to Kansas City, he worked as an animator Ub Iwerks. Company where he worked, the Laugh O Gram Company went bankrupt. In 1923, he left Kansas City to Los Angeles to find work in the movie business. At first unsuccessful, and he remained determined to stay in Los Angeles rent a camera, build an animation stand and made a studio in his uncle's garage. He started the business with his brother Roy. Alice first film did not make the company look up, so does the film both Oswald the Rabbit, which was launched in 1927 pad. The failure turned into success after the rat made by listening to his wife's advice.
"I hope never to ignore that all of this started with a mouse", said Walt Disney in the late years of his life. Told at one time early in his career, Disney's family friendly with a mouse in his office. Rats often appeared on the drawing board to produce inspiration. An impressive story. The fact that the mice that question started life as Mortimer Mouse. Walt Disney's wife, Lilly does not agree with that name and suggested instead Micky. Walt heard. Is just to please his wife or in his heart Walt Disney also admitted that Micky is a name that is ideal for launching a business empire, no one knows. Micky's name is a name that is more friendly and more informal, which has a relationship with ordinary people.
Pada1928, Mickey Mouse was created and made appearances in the cartoon world for the first time using voice .. On December 21, 1937, animated by the first special music, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was introduced in Los Angeles. Was made at a cost of over one million dollars, which is a lot of money. Over five years later, Walt Disney produced, animated classics such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi.
Posted by
7:19 PM
Mohammad Suyanto
Hobby is something he likes. You can start a business from a hobby. Many successful entrepreneurs started from a hobby. In the science of psychology of success, the success of the 2000 study, found 80 percent are people who loved what he did. Factors like the success of energy presents a tremendous impetus. Like Bill Gates; as a young man has a hobby of computers and do it with diligence, to become a successful business and the richest in the world.
Mooryati Soedibyo start a business from a hobby. "As the Princess Palace since I was familiar with herbal medicine and love to make herbal medicine. I made herbal health care for themselves and family. I also used to help my friends to make herbal medicine before the wedding day needs, herbal medicine for before and after childbirth, and so on. This is all I do is familial or social only. After moving to Jakarta, was still a lot of friends who like to order my herbal medicine, and they provide a replacement cost of medicinal materials are. "Mother said Mooryati Soedibyo, founder and owner of PT. Mustika Ratu. At first he made herbal medicine for health care in the form of fresh drinks, such as kencur rice, turmeric, tamarind, and so on. Only then did she make the other herbs according to your needs and requests. Now PT.Mustika Queen has helped reduce unemployment, with around 3000 hiring of labor. This business also became the pride of Indonesia as one of the top quality products are based, are made, and the resources generated from Indonesia, who favored abroad.
Similarly, Martha Tilaar start a business from a hobby too. Martha Tilaar like small children, because until the age of 40 years do not have kids. Also encouraged because the scholarship of $ 250 per month to lecture at Indiana University, is not enough to live together. So Martha Tilaar opening daycare business. Marketing made the announcement in dngan against Indiana University campus whose contents "I am a Baby Sitter, willing to accommodate infants and children". The result came 13 foster children ranging from infants to the already sitting in elementary school. They entrust their children, as a class. From this child care business, Martha Tilaar obtain her husband's income exceeds the scholarship. From the results of this effort, used to go to the Academy of Beauty Culture in Bloomington, Indiana. After graduating from beauty school, Martha Tilaar announced on campus is no longer a baby sitter, but as a beauty expert on call to serve beauty. Calls flooded Martha Tilaar new business. In 1972, after returning from America, his parents' garage narrow, transformed into a beauty salon with the name Martha's Salon. Martha Tilaar introduce mixed traditional herbal medicine alone in salonnya and he as a guinea pig. Proved fruitless. As he waited for the birth of her baby, abruptly canceled his partner cooperation, expressed out to establish their own business. These bitter memories, he was grateful to "God is great. I have a baby, but my efforts failed ". But from this failure, Martha mengubahmya a success it is today. Even Matha Tilaar is the only woman in Indonesia who John Naisbitt in his book "Megatrends Asia". Learn more Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts: An A-to-Z Guide with Detailed Instructions and Endless Inspiration