Mohammad Suyanto
In addition to opening a business without cash payments in the back, you can also open a business with a payment in advance. Combined with the payments start at the back and the payment in advance is the most ideal. Or office buildings, advertisements, brochures can be obtained by payment in the back, while our customers use the payment in advance. Business of courses, vocational education institutions and even education can be done with tinggipun prepayment strategy.
By the time we open a branch of the Central Computer and Management Education in the street IMKI Abubakar Ali number 20 Kotabaru Yogyakarta, after advertising in the Daily People's Sovereignty which can be paid at the back, finally got 35 students. Then given a public lecture that contains an explanation teantang material will be taught for one year. Starting from the material to Achievement Motivation Training System Analysis. Suddenly, they ask "Where kok Pak computer does not exist?". "Look at what it said in the ad?.", I asked. "Computers equipped Pendikan practical management education and entrepreneurship," they replied. "You are right. In this first month you will get a practical management education and entrepreneurship, and computer lessons to be continued "I answered, saying to myself" but you also have to pay ". After one month they were satisfied, eventually pay. Of these students my money credited to the computer 12 computer. "That's the computer" I said. "Oh yes the computer has no sir" they said. I smiled and said to myself "that actually your money". So we can operate the business with advance payments, ie payments from our customers.
Even when I'm with my friends from Totalwin Institute of Management in cooperation with Warnbrough University, England. open the MBA program (when it was not banned), enough to provide five-star hotels that can be paid at the rear, then the students pay in advance. The first time, prospective students are collected at one-star hotels are given an explanation of the MBA program from Warnbrough University. Including how much it costs, if you had to courses in the UK. If Indonesia can attend Indonesian use the medium. Thesis only in English in the supervision of the Representative Warnbrough University of Australia. Having finished a public lecture, for those who are interested can provide a down payment USD. 1.000.000, -. From the money can be used to rent the room along with other equipment, so that managers do not spend money. After a minimum of 15 students enrolled, the college immediately began. Thus, hotels and other facilities can be met with advance payments from students. From the results of the MBA program can eventually be used to establish MM Program STIE "ABI" Surabaya. Management Master Program Perhaps the best-selling in Indonesia, because it has a student About a 1000 people.

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